Ein Artikel aus dem Open Source Jahrbuch 2005,
Kapitel Open Content.
The Open Source model of peer production, sharing, revision, and peer review has distilled and labeled the most successful human creative habits into a techno-political movement. This distillation has had costs and benefits. It has been difficult to court mainstream acceptance for such a tangle of seemingly technical ideas when its chief advocates have been hackers and academics. On the other hand, the brilliant success of overtly labeled Open Source experiments, coupled with the horror stories of attempts to protect the proprietary model of cultural production have served to popularize the ideas championed by the movement. In recent years, we have seen the Open Source model overtly mimicked within domains of culture quite distinct from computer software. Rather than being revolutionary, this movement is quite conservatively recapturing and revalorizing the basic human communicative and cultural processes that have generated many good things.
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Hinweis: Artikel in englischer Sprache
Siva Vaidhyanathan ist der Autor der Bücher
"Copyrights and Copywrongs: The Rise of Intellectual Property and How it Threatens
Creativity" (New York University Press, 2001) und "The Anarchist in the Library:
How the Clash Between Freedom and Control is Hacking the Real World and Crashing
the System" (Basic Books, 2004). Er hat bereits eine Vielzahl an Beiträgen
für Zeitschriften wie The Chronicle of Higher Education,
The New York Times Magazine,
MSNBC.COM, Salon.com,
openDemocracy.net und
The Nation geschrieben. Nach fünfjähriger
Tätigkeit als professioneller Journalist hat Vaidhyanathan an der University
of Texas in Amerika Studien promoviert. Er hat bisher an der Wesleyan University
und an der University of Wisconsin gelehrt und ist derzeitig Dozent für Kultur- und
Kommunikationswissenschaften an der New York University.